
With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Personal Information

Date of Birth:1994-12-20
Date of Employment:2023-03-08
Business Address:化学化工学院B214



韩婧,济南大学前沿交叉科学研究院讲师,硕士生导师。2022年毕业于中国科学院北京纳米能源与系统研究所,获凝聚态物理博士学位。主要从事摩擦纳米发电机在能量采集和自驱动传感方面的研究,主要开展以系统集成、纤维器件以及电子织物的制备与应用等方面的相关研究,在基于铌酸锂/钽酸锂热释电传感器方面也有一定的研究基础;主持山东省自然科学基金1项。以第一作者或通讯作者在Energy Environ. Sci., ACS Nano, Infomat 等学术期刊上发表SCI文章8篇,ESI高被引用论文2篇。






1.    Xin, D.;  Han, J.;  Song, W.;  Han, W.;  Wang, M.;  Li, Z.;  Zhang, Y.;  Li, Y.;  Liu, H.;  Liu, X.;  Sun, D.; Zhou, W., Laser‐processed lithium niobate wafer for pyroelectric sensor. InfoMat 2024, e12557.

2.    Han, J.;  Xu, N.;  Yu, J. R.;  Wang, Y. F.;  Xiong, Y.;  Wei, Y. C.;  Wang, Z. L.; Sun, Q. J., Energy autonomous paper modules and functional circuits. Energy Environ. Sci. 2022, 15 (12), 5069-5081.

3.    Han, J.;  Xu, C.;  Zhang, J.;  Xu, N.;  Xiong, Y.;  Cao, X.;  Liang, Y.;  Zheng, L.;  Sun, J.;  Zhai, J.;  Sun, Q.; Wang, Z. L., Multifunctional Coaxial Energy Fiber toward Energy Harvesting, Storage, and Utilization. ACS Nano 2021, 15 (1), 1597-1607.

4.    Han, J.;  Xu, N.;  Liang, Y.;  Ding, M.;  Zhai, J.;  Sun, Q.; Wang, Z. L., Paper-based triboelectric nanogenerators and their applications: a review. Beilstein J Nanotechnol 2021, 12, 151-171.

5.   Ho, D. H.;  Han, J.;  Huang, J.;  Choi, Y. Y.;  Cheon, S.;  Sun, J.;  Lei, Y.;  Park, G. S.;  Wang, Z. L.;  Sun, Q.; Cho, J. H., β-Phase-Preferential blow-spun fabrics for wearable triboelectric nanogenerators and textile interactive interface. Nano Energy 2020, 77, 105262.

6.    Hu, S.;  Han, J. Shi, Z.;  Chen, K.;  Xu, N.;  Wang, Y.;  Zheng, R.;  Tao, Y.;  Sun, Q.;  Wang, Z. L.; Yang, G., Biodegradable, Super-Strong, and Conductive Cellulose Macrofibers for Fabric-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator. Nanomicro Lett 2022, 14 (1), 115.

7.    Luo, L.;  Han, J. Xiong, Y.;  Huo, Z.;  Dan, X.;  Yu, J.;  Yang, J.;  Li, L.;  Sun, J.;  Xie, X.;  Wang, Z. L.; Sun, Q., Kirigami interactive triboelectric mechanologic. Nano Energy 2022, 99, 107345.

8.    Yang, X.;  Han, J.;  Yu, J.;  Chen, Y.;  Zhang, H.;  Ding, M.;  Jia, C.;  Sun, J.;  Sun, Q.; Wang, Z. L., Versatile Triboiontronic Transistor via Proton Conductor. ACS Nano 2020, 14 (7), 8668-8677.

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