Li Guoping
- Master Tutor
- Gender:Male
- Name (English):Li Guoping
- Name (Pinyin):liguoping
- Date of Birth:1971-06-07
- E-Mail:
- Date of Employment:1997-04-01
- School/Department:机械工程学院 工程训练中心
- Administrative Position:专业主任
- Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
- Business Address:济南大学机械工程学院楼A408
- Contact Information:济南市南辛庄西路336号济南大学机械工程学院,电话:13964165010
- Degree:工学博士学位
- Status:Employed
- Academic Titles:校特聘岗位教授
- Other Post:工程教育认证专家
- Alma Mater:山东大学
- Teacher College:School of Mechanical Engineering
- Discipline:机械工程
Contact Information
- ZipCode:
- PostalAddress:
- Telephone:
- email:
- Research Group
Release time:2021-02-13
Name of Research Group:智能技术及装备
Description of Research Group:研究方向主要包括机器人、自动化系统/设备、专用数控系统以及检测仪器/设备,在基础理论、产品开发等方面均取得了较多科研成果。