Key Words:chitosan; catalyst; MCM-48; oxidative degradation; cellulase; immobilization
Abstract:This paper describes the application of Fe-MCM-48 (Mobil Composition of Matter No.48) and cellulase-MCM-48 catalysts for the depolymerization of chitosan. The results show that H2O2 is a good oxidant for the depolymerization of chitosan in the presence of Fe-MCM-48. The average polymerization degree of the product decreased to 6.1, and decreased to 29.2 when cellulase-MCM-48 was used as a catalyst, because the effffect of the enzyme was affffected by the molecular structure of chitosan. When both materials were used for depolymerization, the average......
Co-author:Huawei Geng; Zonggang Mou; Ziyong Liu;Cheng Yang
Document Type:J
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2020-05-29
Included Journals:SCI
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