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Paper Publications
- 2019-01-26
Template-Assisted Electrodeposition of Iron Nanostructures
- 2019-01-26
The Influence of Oxidation Time on the Morphologies of TiO2 Nanostructures
- 2019-01-26
Fabrication of hierarchical ZnO@NiO core-shell heterostructures for improved photocatalytic perfo...
- 2019-01-26
TiO2 nanotube-based composites: synthesis and applications
- 2019-01-26
The Exploration and Practice for the College Physics Experiment Teaching Mode Based on Autonomous...
- 2019-01-26
- 2019-01-26
Low-temperature solution synthesis of CuO/Cu2O nanostructures for enhanced photocatalytic activit...
- 2019-01-26
One-pot hydrothermal synthesis of CdS decorated CuS microflower-like structures for enhanced phot...
- 2019-01-26
Organic/inorganic heterostructure white-light-emitting diode based on ZnO nanorods
- 2019-01-26
Transient and Stable Electroluminescence Properties of Alternating-Current Biased Organic Light-E...
- 2019-01-26
Recent progress of AC voltage-induced luminescence from a SiO2/polymer/SiO2 thin film hetero-stru...
- 2019-01-26
Improving Li+ Kinetics and Structural Stability of Nickel-Rich Layered Cathodes by Heterogeneous ...
- 2019-01-26
ZnO@CdS Core-Shell Heterostructures: Fabrication, Enhanced Photocatalytic, and Photoelectrochemic...
- 2019-01-26
Synthetic control of large-area, ordered Fe nanotubes and their nanotube-core/alumina-sheath nano...
- 2019-01-26
TiO2 Nanotube-Based Composites: Synthesis and Applications
- 2019-01-26
Crystalline TIT TiO2 Nanotubes for High-Performance Field Emitters and Metal/Semiconductor/Metal ...