祝贺傅筱倩同学的论文被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering接收
2024年12月20日,傅筱倩同学的论文“Enhanced activation of peroxymonosulfate by CuO modified biochar through mechanochemical synthesis: Insights into the roles of active sites and electron density redistribution”被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光副教授,期刊影响因子7.4。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2024.115180 。
• A novel BC-CuO catalyst for TC removal was obtained through mechanochemical synthesis.
• TC was degraded significantly in BC-CuO/PMS system under various water matrices.
• Both radical pathway and non-radical pathway contributed to TC removal in BM BC-CuO/PMS system.
• The degradation pathways of TC and the toxicity of the intermediates were investigated.
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祝贺潘琪同学的论文被Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells接收
2024年12月4日,潘琪同学的论文“In-situ pyrrole polymerized wood sponge for efficient solar interfacial evaporation and desalination”被Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子6.3。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.solmat.2024.113342。
• Removing lignin and hemicellulose from WS improved SIE performance.
• In-situ polymerization of Py on WS increased light absorption capacity.
• The evaporation rate of PPy-WS was 3.14 kg m-2 h-1 under 1.0 sun.
• PPy-WS demonstrated excellent self-desalting ability and long-term stability.
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祝贺郑晓钰同学的论文被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science接收
2024年10月23日,郑晓钰同学的论文“Efficient production of singlet oxygen via dioxygen activation on Cu0 decorated MoS2 facilitates the elimination of oxytetracycline”被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光副教授,期刊影响因子9.4。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2024.10.139
• OTC was significantly removed in Cu0-F-MoS2/air system.
• 1O2 played crucial roles Cu0-F-MoS2/air system.
• The Cu site on the surface of Cu0-F-MoS2 absorbs and activates oxygen.
• Cu0-F-MoS2 has good cycling stability and the degradation efficiency of OTC still reaches 80% in five cycles.
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祝贺付艳丽同学的论文被Chemical Engineering Journal接收
2024年10月18日,付艳丽同学的论文“Simultaneous solar-driven interfacial evaporation and phenol degradation using three-dimensional MoS2-melamine foam”被Chemical Engineering Journal期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子13.3。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.156929,50 天免费链接(至2024.12.11): https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1jzcY4x7R2kQ7f
• MoS2 and MoS2-MF were synthesized using the hydrothermal and simple brushing methods, respectively.
• An evaporation rate of 2.75 kg m−2 h−1 by MoS2-MF under 1 sun irradiation was obtained.
• The evaporation rate of MoS2-MF maintained at 2.69–2.84 kg m−2 h−1 in 3.5 wt% brine for 6 days.
• The phenol removal ratio reached 80.07 % in brine by MoS2-MF during evaporation.
• Simultaneous solar interfacial evaporation and phenol degradation by MoS2-MF was achieved.
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祝贺宋雯老师的论文被International Journal of Biological Macromolecules接收
2024年10月10日,宋雯老师的论文“Microenvironment modulation of biocatalyst derived from natural cellulose of wheat straw for enhancing p-nitrophenol degradation via boosting peroxymonosulfate activation”被International Journal of Biological Macromolecules期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子7.7。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.136525
• Defect-rich N-doped biocatalyst was prepared from natural cellulose of wheat straw.
• PNP was efficiently degraded in B-NC/PMS system by radical and non-radical pathways.
• Graphitic N, pyridinic N and C=O were the main active sites.
• Mass transfer efficiency was improved by nitrogen dopants and surface defects.
• Surface defects of B-NC promote reactive species generation and electron transfer.
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祝贺宋雯老师和于子函同学的论文被Chemical Engineering Journal接收
2024年9月6日,宋雯老师和于子函同学的论文“Insights into the factors influencing the oxidation of antibiotic pollutants in nitrogen-doped biochar/PMS system: The roles of physicochemical properties and reaction pathways”被Chemical Engineering Journal期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子13.3。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2024.155601
• Adsorption interactions facilitate reaction interface formation.
• Electrochemical property of pollutant primarily determines its selective oxidation.
• Free radicals impact oxidation of pollutant with weak electrochemical properties.
• Electron-transfer oxidation dominated removal of pollutant with low φ1/2 and EGAP.
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祝贺王乐同学的论文被Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects接收
2024年5月19日,王乐同学的论文“Simultaneous incorporation of Co and Fe into sulfur-vacancy-enriched MoS2 enhances the activation of peroxymonosulfate”被Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光副教授,期刊影响因子4.9。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2024.134312
• OTC was significantly removed in Co,Fe-MoS2/PMS system.
• Co and Fe co-doping enhanced generation of 1O2 in MoS2/PMS system.
• Co and Fe co-doping promoted the generation of S vacancy in MoS2.
• The synergy between Co and Fe determined and enhanced the activation of PMS.
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祝贺李旭光老师和王乐同学的论文被Separation and Purification Technology接收
2024年3月24日,李旭光老师和王乐同学的论文“Phase engineering induces electron redistribution to turn periodate activation activity of MoS2”被Separation and Purification Technology期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光副教授和闫良国教授,期刊影响因子8.1。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2024.127243
• OTC was significantly removed in L-1T-MoS2/PI system.
• 1O2 and •OH played crucial roles in MoS2/PI system.
• Phase engineering altered electron density of Mo sites and regulated PI activation.
• PI adsorption energy on L-1T-MoS2 was higher than that on 2H-MoS2 and H-1T-MoS2.
• L-1T-MoS2/PTFE membrane unfolded an efficient removal rate (>85 %) for OTC.
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祝贺李静同学的论文被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering接收
2023年12月21日,李静同学的论文“Boosting solar vapor generation and desalination by low-cost reduced graphene oxide/cellulose aerogel and multiple energy utilization”被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子7.4。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2023.111795
• The 3D rGC aerogel was designed to realize an evaporation rate of 3.19 kg m−2 h−1 under 1 sun irradiation.
• The evaporation rate of 9.40 kg m−2 h−1 by rGC-3 was further achieved under a convective flow of 2.5 m s−1.
• The 3D rGC facilitated vapor generation by reduced heat latent and environmental enhanced effect.
• The evaporator reached fully hydrated state quickly and transported water rapidly.
• The high-throughput evaporative desalination of rGC was obtained by coupling with natural convection.
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祝贺Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 398: 122884成为ESI高被引论文
该论文第一作者是李旭光副教授,通讯作者是闫良国教授,论文题目:Efficient degradation of tetracycline by CoFeLa-layered double hydroxides catalyzed peroxymonosulfate: Synergistic effect of radical and nonradical pathways
•CoFeLa-LDH2 was used as a PMS activator for TC degradation.
•Radicals (SO4–• and HO•) and nonradicals (1O2) showed synergistic effect for TC degradation.
•The possible degradation pathway of TC was proposed.
•Effects of key reaction parameters on TC degradation were investigated.
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近日,美国斯坦福大学联合爱思唯尔发布了全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World’s Top 2% Scientists 2023),该榜单分为“终身科学影响力排行榜”和“2022年度科学影响力排行榜”,从全球近700万科学家中遴选出22个学科领域、176个细分子学科领域世界排名前2%的科学家。
祝贺邵玉娇同学的论文被Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects接收
2023年10月25日,邵玉娇同学的论文“In situ polymerization of three-dimensional polypyrrole aerogel for efficient solar-driven interfacial evaporation and desalination”被Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子5.2。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2023.132662
• 3D PPy aerogel was prepared by in-situ polymerization of pyrrole.
• PPy had synergy of energy conversion, porous structure, and super-hydrophilicity.
• The evaporation rate was 6.1 kg m−2 h−1 under 1 sun and 2.5 m s−1 of convection.
• The maximum evaporation rate was 7.04 kg m−2 h−1 in outdoor desalination system.
• Efficient desalination and salt-resistance capacities of PPy aerogel were achieved.
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祝贺朱军陶同学的论文被Industrial Crops & Products接收
2023年9月5日,朱军陶同学的论文“Ball-milled MoS2/biochar as peroxymonosulfate activator efficiently removes tetracycline: Multiple active sites-triggered radical/non-radical pathways”被Industrial Crops & Products期刊接收,通讯作者为李彦霏老师,期刊影响因子5.9。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.117450
• Ball milling improved the surface properties and defect degree of MoS2/BC.
• Biochar enhanced the adsorption of MoS2/BC and accelerated electron transference.
• Mo(Ⅳ) and carboxyl group participated in the generation of reactive oxygen species.
• OH and 1O2 played dominant role during TC degradation.
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祝贺杨丹同学的论文被Separation and Purification Technology接收
2023年9月1日,杨丹同学的论文“Pseudocapacitive deionization of high concentrations of hexavalent chromium using NiFe-layered double hydroxide/polypyrrole asymmetric electrode”被Separation and Purification Technology期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子8.6。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2023.125004
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2023年8月19日,付艳丽、傅筱倩同学作为共同第一作者的综述论文“Recent progress of layered double hydroxide-based materials in wastewater treatment”被Materials期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子3.4。论文链接:https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/16/16/5723
Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) can be used as catalysts and adsorbents due to their high stability, safety, and reusability. The preparation of modified LDHs mainly includes coprecipitation, hydrothermal, ion exchange, calcination recovery, and sol–gel methods. LDH-based materials have high anion exchange capacity, good thermal stability, and a large specific surface area, which can effectively adsorb and remove heavy metal ions, inorganic anions, organic pollutants, and oil pollutants from wastewater. Additionally, they are heterogeneous catalysts and have excellent catalytic effect in the Fenton system, persulfate-based advanced oxidation processes, and electrocatalytic system. This review ends with a discussion of the challenges and future trends of the application of LDHs in wastewater treatment.
论文链接: https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/detail/11.1844.X.20230721.1036.016.html
摘要:二维层状纳米材料可以有效去除水中的重金属,而吸附机制一直是研究难点和热点。为进一步提升材料性能,明确吸附反应机制,以典型的水滑石和二硫化钼为原料,采用共沉淀法制备镁铝水滑石,然后利用水热法负载二硫化钼,制备了复合材料(MoS2-LDH)。结果表明,MoS2-LDH对水中Cd(Ⅱ)、Pb(Ⅱ)和Cu(Ⅱ)的吸附作用机制包括沉淀、络合、同晶置换和静电吸引作用,其中沉淀作用为主导,贡献率占46.57%—58.32%,其次为络合作用(27.15%—32.08%)和同晶置换作用(10.75%—17.86%),静电吸引的贡献最小(3.33%—4.26%);吸附过程与拟二级动力学方程和Langmuir模型相符,最大吸附量达到48.31、71.33、77.16 mg·g−1。对高效去除重金属的吸附机制的详细研究,可为二维复合材料的设计合成提供理论支撑。
祝贺宋雯老师、张璐同学的论文被Separation and Purification Technology接收
2023年7月1日,宋雯老师、张璐同学的论文“Quaternized straw supported by La(OH)3 nanoparticles for highly-selective removal of phosphate in presence of coexisting anions: Synergistic effect and mechanism”被Separation and Purification Technology期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子8.6。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2023.124500
• Novel quaternized straw loading with La(OH)3 was prepared for phosphate removal.
• AM-La showed outstanding selectivity to phosphate in the presence of competing anions.
• The stability and selective adsorption mechanisms of AM-La were explored.
• Ion exchange, electrostatic attraction, and ligand exchange were main mechanisms.
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祝贺李静同学的论文被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science接收
2023年6月30日,李静同学的论文“Boosting interfacial solar steam generation by three-dimensional bilayer cellulose aerogels”被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子9.9。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2023.06.205
• The bilayer aerogel was obtained by cellulose skeleton with PVAP hydrogel and CNT.
• An evaporation rate of 4.02 kg m−2 h−1 was achieved by CPC under 1 sun irradiation.
• Water evaporation increased to 11.37 kg m−2 h−1 with convective flow of 2.0 m s−1.
• The 10.70 kg m−2 h−1 was obtained in salt water by utilization multiple energy.
• Cost-effectiveness and significant desalination highlight wide application of CPC.
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论文链接: https://kns.cnki.net/kcms2/detail/11.1844.X.20230627.2102.012.html
摘要:生物炭负载零价铁(ZVI/BC)在高级氧化处理有机污水领域具有广阔的应用前景,但通过球磨改性载体生物炭,进而提升ZVI/BC的催化效能尚缺乏系统研究. 首先通过球磨处理得到系列球磨生物炭,再利用水热法制备球磨生物炭负载零价铁(ZVI/0.25BC40-0.5),采用SEM、TEM、EDS Mapping、XRD、BET和FTIR对复合材料的理化性质进行表征. 研究结果表明,ZVI/0.25BC40-0.5/PMS体系可实现四环素(TC)的高效降解,当催化剂、PMS和TC的浓度分别为20 mg∙L−1、1 mmol∙L−1和20 mg∙L−1,pH = 5.0,反应时间为30 min时,TC的降解效率可达87.1%;催化剂和PMS浓度的增加,均能够促进TC在ZVI/0.25BC40-0.5/PMS体系中的降解;水体中共存阴离子和腐殖酸对反应体系影响较小;自由基猝灭实验和EPR分析证实ZVI/0.25BC40-0.5/PMS体系中存在自由基途径和非自由基途径,其中•OH起主要作用;综合XPS结果说明C=O和Fe物种是ZVI/0.25BC40-0.5表面主要的催化位点.
祝贺李静同学的论文被Chemical Engineering Journal接收
2023年4月28日,李静同学的论文“Ultrahigh solar vapor evaporation rate of super-hydrophilic aerogel by introducing environmental energy and convective flow”被Chemical Engineering Journal期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子16.744。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2023.143281
• The 3D rGP aerogel was designed to realize an evaporation rate of 4.89 kg m-2 h-1 under 1 sun irradiation.
• The ultrahigh evaporation rate of 16.22 kg m-2 h-1 by rGP-3 was further achieved under a convective flow of 2.5 m s-1.
• The 3D rGP facilitated solar vapor generation by water activation and environmental energy-enhanced effect.
• The evaporator reached fully hydrated state quickly and transported water rapidly by introducing superabsorbent PVAP.
• The high-throughput evaporative desalination of rGP was obtained by coupling with natural convection.
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祝贺王乐同学的论文被Separation and Purification Technology接收
2023年4月18日,王乐同学的论文“Multiphasic MoS2 activates peroxymonosulfate for efficient removal of oxytetracycline: The dominant role of surface reactive species”被Separation and Purification Technology期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光副教授,期刊影响因子9.136。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2023.123907
• OTC was significantly removed in 1T/2H MoS2/PMS system.
• The activation of PMS by MoS2 was phase-dependent.
• Surface-bound active species played crucial role.
• MoS2 with optimized 1T phase showed excellent stability.
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祝贺王巧娣同学的论文被Environmental Science and Pollution Research接收
2023年4月8日,王巧娣同学的论文“(NH4)2Mo3S13/MnFe2O4 hybrid with multiple active sites boosted activation of peroxymonosulfate for removal of tetracycline”被Environmental Science and Pollution Research期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子5.190。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-26967-6
• (NH4)2Mo3S13/MnFe2O4 composites were efficient PMS activators.
• Both aqueous and surface reactive species contributed to TC degradation.
• Mn, Fe, Mo, and S were involved in the activation of PMS.
• The catalyst still showed excellent activity and stability after five cycles.
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祝贺宋雯老师的论文被Journal of Molecular Liquids接收
2023年2月1日,宋雯老师的论文“Removal of various aqueous heavy metals by polyethylene glycol modified MgAl-LDH: Adsorption mechanisms and vital role of precipitation”被Journal of Molecular Liquids期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子6.633。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2023.121386
• Polyethylene glycol modified MgAl-LDH significantly enhances the removal of Cu(II), Pb(II), and Cd(II).
• Interaction mechanisms involve precipitation, complexation, isomorphous substitution, and electrostatic attraction.
• The precipitation dominates the adsorption process and accounted for 44.2%-72.12%.
• Contributions of complexation and isomorphous substitution are 12.43%-37.89% and 6.35%-18.81%, respectively.
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祝贺杨丹同学的论文被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science接收
2022年12月19日,杨丹同学的论文“Capacitive deionization of high concentrations of hexavalent chromium using nickel–ferric-layered double hydroxide/molybdenum disulfide asymmetric electrode”被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子9.965。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2022.12.100
• The addition of MoS2 into NiFe-LDH significantly improved the electrochemical properties.
• The deionization capacity of NiFe/MoS2 for 100 mg/L Cr(VI) was 49.71 mg/g and the theoretical value was 106.2 mg/g.
• Mechanisms involved electrostatic attraction, surface complexation, and reduction.
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祝贺郭彦秀的论文Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 783: 147102 成为ESI高被引论文
该论文第一作者是2022届环境工程硕士研究生郭彦秀,论文题目:Goethite/biochar-activated peroxymonosulfate enhances tetracycline degradation: Inherent roles of radical and non-radical processes,论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147102
• Low-cost goethite/biochar was synthesized by a co-precipitation method.
• The composite efficiently activated PMS to degrade TC.
• Radical and non-radical processes had synergetic effect on TC degradation.
• C=O and Fe(II) species assisted in PMS decomposition.
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祝贺李旭光老师的论文被Chemical Engineering Journal接收
2022年7月12日,李旭光老师的论文“Goethite-MoS2 hybrid with dual active sites boosted peroxymonosulfate activation for removal of tetracycline: The vital roles of hydroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen”被Chemical Engineering Journal期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子16.744。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.138104
•Goethite-MoS2 significantly enhanced TC removal by activating PMS.
• Both •OH and 1O2 played crucial roles in goethite-MoS2/PMS system.
• PMS was more likely to be activated by goethite-MoS2 than pristine MoS2.
• Mo(IV) and Fe(III) sites in goethite-MoS2 were crucial in activating PMS.
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祝贺张璐同学的论文被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering接收
2022年6月7日,张璐同学的论文“Enhanced selective removal of phosphate in the presence of high-strength nitrate using straw-based anion imprinted biosorbent”被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering期刊接收,通讯作者为宋雯、闫良国,期刊影响因子5.909。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2022.108060
•Facile integration of quaternization and ion-imprinting for adsorbent synthesis.
• Excellent selectivity to phosphate in the presence of high-strength nitrate.
• The stability and selective adsorption mechanisms of SAIB were explored.
• High-value utilization of agricultural by-products.
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祝贺李静同学的论文被Journal of Water Process Engineering接收
2022年5月21日,李静同学的论文“Enhanced removal performance and mechanistic study of Cu2+, Cd2+, and Pb2+ by magnetic layered double hydroxide nanosheets assembled on graphene oxide”被Journal of Water Process Engineering期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子5.845。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.102893
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祝贺王巧娣同学的论文被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering接收
2022年5月20日,王巧娣同学的论文“Enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation by (NH4)2Mo3S13 for organic pollutant removal: Crucial roles of adsorption and singlet oxygen”被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光老师,期刊影响因子5.909。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2022.107966
• (NH4)2Mo3S13 was efficient as a PMS activator for organic pollutants removal.
• The catalytic activity of (NH4)2Mo3S13 was mainly due to its adsorption affinity.
• (NH4)2Mo3S13 could effectively activate O2 and PMS.
• Mo and S both played important roles in the activation of PMS.
• 1O2 was the primary active species involved in pollutants degradation.
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祝贺李静同学的论文被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering接收
2022年4月7日,李静同学的论文“Porous polyvinyl alcohol/biochar hydrogel induced high yield solar steam generation and sustainable desalination”被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子5.909。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2022.107690
• PVA skeleton availed water activation and reduced vaporization enthalpy.
• Openly porous accelerated water pumping and absorber confined heat in the interface.
• The evaporation rate reach 1.89 kg m-2 h-1 with 85.2% energy efficiency under 1 sun.
• PHB-10 had excellent capability of desalination and wastewater purification.
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祝贺苏欣悦同学的论文被Journal of Molecular Liquids接收
2022年3月31日,苏欣悦同学的论文“Enhanced adsorption of aqueous Pb(II) and Cu(II) by biochar loaded with layered double hydroxide: Crucial role of mineral precipitation”被Journal of Molecular Liquids期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子6.165。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2022.119083
• Loading LDH onto biochar increased the removal efficiency for Pb(II) and Cu(II).
• Mechanisms mainly involved precipitation and cation exchange.
• The precipitation contribution of BC-LDH for Pb(II) was 76.26%.
• The contributions of precipitation and cation exchange achieved 89.2% for Cu(II).
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祝贺张爽同学的论文被Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects接收
2022年2月13日,张爽同学的论文“Highly efficient removal of aqueous Cu(II) and Cd(II) by hydrothermal synthesized CaAl-layered double hydroxide”被Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子4.539。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2022.128584
• CaAl-LDH was synthesized by a hydrothermal method.
• CaAl-LDH possessed a superhigh adsorption capacity for Cd(II) of up to 1035.4 mg/g.
• The Kd values of CaAl-LDH for Cd(II) and Cu(II) were larger than 105 mL/g.
• The adsorption mechanisms involved precipitation, isomorphic substitution, and complexation.
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祝贺李静同学的论文被Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects接收
2021年11月22日,李静同学的论文“Insight into the enhanced visible-light photoreduction of aqueous Cr(VI) by assembled Fe3O4/LDO/BiOBr composites”被Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子4.539。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.128021
• Fe3O4/LDO/BiOBr-1.5 removed 98% of 50 mg/L Cr(VI) in 30 min.
• Fe3O4/LDO/BiOBr-1.5 maximized visible light harvesting.
• The electron bridge facilitated photoexcited carrier separation and transfer.
•Fe3O4/LDO/BiOBr-1.5 displayed preferable stability and activity in wastewater systems.
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祝贺张伟同学的论文被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering接收
2021年11月22日,张伟同学的论文“Ball milling boosted the activation of peroxymonosulfate by biochar for tetracycline removal”被Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光博士,期刊影响因子5.909。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2021.106870
• Ball milling is an effective method to improve the catalytic activity of biochar.
• Ball milling promoted the generation of reactive oxygen species by biochar.
• C=O group and defective structure via ball milling assisted in PMS decomposition.
• Radicals (SO4•– and •OH) and nonradicals (1O2) worked together to degrade TC.
• Surface-bonded radicals are the main species of reactive oxygen species.
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祝贺苏欣悦同学的论文被Separation and Purification Technology接收
2021年11月7日,苏欣悦同学的论文“MoS2 nanosheets vertically aligned on biochar as a robust peroxymonosulfate activator for removal of tetracycline”被Separation and Purification Technology期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光博士,期刊影响因子7.312。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2021.120118
• MoS2 nanosheets were vertically aligned on the surface of biochar.
• The decoration of MoS2 on biochar increased the catalytic efficiency.
• C=O, Mo and S species were all crucial in activating PMS.
• The generation of ROS was significantly accelerated in BC300-MoS2/PMS system.
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杨艳亭是2017级环境科学与工程专业学术型硕士研究生,2020年毕业,学位论文《黑炭物质对 1-萘胺和对乙酰氨基酚转化降解作用研究》获2021年山东省优秀硕士学位论文,指导教师为闫良国教授和裴志国副研究员(中国科学院生态环境研究中心)。
转自: 学校在2021年山东省优秀博士硕士学位论文和研究生优秀成果奖评选中获佳绩-济南大学 University of Jinan (ujn.edu.cn)
转自: 我校13名导师和2个导学团队分别获评山东省优秀研究生指导教师和山东省优秀研究生导学团队-济南大学 University of Jinan (ujn.edu.cn)
祝贺杨丹同学的论文被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science接收
2021年10月4日,杨丹同学的论文“Synthesis of calcium–aluminum-layered double hydroxide and a polypyrrole decorated product for efficient removal of high concentrations of aqueous hexavalent chromium”被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子8.128。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2021.10.014
• CAL and PPy-CAL were prepared using hydrothermal and in situ polymerization methods.
• The theoretical adsorption capacity of CAL-PPy for Cr(VI) was nearly twice than that of CAL.
• CAL-PPy removed 100 mg/L of aqueous Cr(VI) efficiently and quickly.
• Mechanisms included electrostatic attraction, anion exchange, complexation, and reduction.
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祝贺李旭光老师、郭彦秀同学的论文被Chemical Engineering Journal接收
2021年8月31日,李旭光老师、郭彦秀同学的论文“Enhanced activation of peroxymonosulfate by ball-milled MoS2 for degradation of tetracycline: Boosting molybdenum activity by sulfur vacancies”被Chemical Engineering Journal期刊接收,通讯作者为闫良国教授,期刊影响因子13.273。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2021.132234
• Ball-milled MoS2 was firstly used to activate PMS for degradation of TC.
• Ball milling significantly enhanced the catalytic efficiency of MoS2.
• S-vacancies and Mo(IV) sites were crucial in activating PMS.
• Radical and non-radical processes had synergistic effect on TC degradation.
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祝贺黄祺祺的论文Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 341: 1-9成为ESI高被引论文
该论文第一作者是2019届环境科学与工程学科硕士研究生黄祺祺,论文题目:Magnetic graphene oxide/MgAl-layered double hydroxide nanocomposite: One-pot solvothermal synthesis, adsorption performance and mechanisms for Pb2+, Cd2+, and Cu2+
• The MGL was prepared by the one-pot solvothermal method.
• The MGL adsorbed Pb2+, Cu2+, and Cd2+ effectively with easily magnetic separation.
•The adsorption mechanisms of Pb2+, Cd2+, and Cu2+ were discussed.
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祝贺郭彦秀同学的论文被Science of the Total Environment接收
2021年4月8日,郭彦秀同学的论文“Goethite/biochar-activated peroxymonosulfate enhances tetracycline degradation: Inherent roles of radical and non-radical processes”被Science of the Total Environment期刊接收,通讯作者为李旭光博士。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147102
• Low-cost goethite/biochar was synthesized by a co-precipitation method.
• The composite efficiently activated PMS to degrade TC.
• Radical and non-radical processes had synergetic effect on TC degradation.
• C=O and Fe(II) species assisted in PMS decomposition.
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祝贺朱日欣同学的论文被Materials Express接收
2021年3月4日,朱日欣同学的论文“Mechanochemical synthesis of Ca-Al-Fe layered double hydroxide for efficient phosphate removal from aqueous solution”被Materials Express期刊接收。
A simple mechanochemical method was utilized to synthesize Ca–Al–Fe layered double hydroxide (CAF-LDH) and the Ca-Al-Fe-layered double oxide (CAF-LDO) was obtained by calcining CAF-LDH at 500 oC. From the results of XRD, FTIR, SEM and zeta potential, both CAF-LDH and CAF-LDO contained abundant functional groups, such as –OH, NO3− and CO32−. Over 90% removal efficiency for 25.0 mg/L phosphate was achieved with CAF-LDH and CAF-LDO at pH 3–10. The adsorption process quickly reached equilibrium within only 30 min. The isothermal and kinetics data better fit the Langmuir model (LM) and the pseudo-second-order (PSO) model, respectively. Based on the adsorption tests, zeta potential and FTIR, the interaction mechanisms were mainly electrostatic attraction and inner-sphere surface complexation (ISSC). In addition, CAF-LDH and CAF-LDO presented efficient regeneration, reusability, selectivity and potential application to remove phosphate in the water environment.
祝贺张雪同学的论文被Water Science & Technology接收
2020年12月24日,张雪同学的论文“Effective removal of Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II) by sodium alginate intercalated MgAl-layered double hydroxide: adsorption properties and mechanistic studies”被Water Science & Technology期刊接收。论文链接:https://doi.org/10.2166/wst.2021.013
•SA-LDH had – COO− groups beneficial for the removal of metal ions.
•Mechanisms included precipitation, complexation, chelation and isomorphic substitution.
•SA-LDH presented higher removal efficiencies for Cu(II), Pb(II) and Cd(II).
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祝贺杨艳亭同学的论文被Journal of Hazardous Materials接收
2020年7月27日,杨艳亭同学的论文“Oxidative transformation of 1-naphthylamine in water mediated by different environmental black carbons”被Journal of Hazardous Materials期刊接收,影响因子9.038。
•Three BCs promoted the oxidation of 1-naphthylamine in water.
•Products were the coupling and oxygen-containing oligomers of 1-naphthylamine.
•Dissolved oxygen was the oxidant of the reaction.
•BCs induced O2 to produce reactive oxygen species.
•Reactive oxygen species oxidized 1-naphthylamine to the final products.
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摘要:水滑石和类水滑石及其插层材料统称为水滑石类材料(layered double hydroxides, LDHs)。在分析层状结构的基础上,综述了改性LDHs的制备方法及其在废水处理中的吸附去除性能应用进展。制备改性LDHs主要有共沉淀法、水热及溶剂热法、离子交换法和焙烧复原法。共沉淀法工艺简单,条件易控,合成周期短;水热及溶剂热法产品粒子纯度高,晶形可控,生产成本低;离子交换法反应时间短,通过在层间容纳不同的阴离子调整LDHs性能并保持层状结构;焙烧复原法利用“记忆效应”实现LDHs重复利用;磁性LDHs具有超顺磁性,可快速回收固体吸附剂。改性LDHs的阴离子交换容量高,热稳定性良好,比表面积大,可以有效吸附去除废水中的重金属离子、有机污染物和无机阴离子。改性LDHs可广泛应用于催化、吸附、医药、阻燃、离子交换等领域。
2020年6月14日,2017级全日制硕士研究生杨艳亭、李静、侯太磊、张照然,非全日制研究生吴帅、留学生Mave Koko Motandi硕士学位论文答辩会在第九教学楼举行。
祝贺李旭光博士、侯太磊同学的论文被Journal of Hazardous Materials接收
2020年5月6日,李旭光博士、侯太磊同学的论文“Efficient degradation of tetracycline by CoFeLa-layered double oxides catalyzed peroxymonosulfate: Synergistic effect of radical and nonradical pathways”被Journal of Hazardous Materials期刊接收,影响因子7.650。
•CoFeLa-LDH2 was used as a PMS activator for TC degradation.
•Radicals (SO4–• and HO•) and nonradicals (1O2) showed synergistic effect for TC degradation.
•The possible degradation pathway of TC was proposed.
•Effects of key reaction parameters on TC degradation were investigated.
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祝贺张照然同学的论文被Environmental Science and Pollution Research接收
2020年5月3日,张照然同学的论文“Phosphate adsorption performance and mechanisms by nanoporous biochar-iron oxides from aqueous solutions”被Environmental Science and Pollution Research期刊接收,影响因子2.914。
To evaluate the adsorption mechanism and performance of phosphate onto the composite of low-cost biochar and iron oxide, four biochar–iron oxides, namely biochar–magnetite (BC-M), biochar–ferrihydrite (BC-F), biochar–goethite (BC-G), and biochar– hematite (BC-H), were prepared by fabricating iron oxide to porous biochar. The biochar–iron oxides had huge surface areas of 691–864 m2/g and average pore diameters of 3.4–4.0 nm. Based on the characterization analysis of FTIR, XRD, XPS, and zeta potential, the interactions of electrostatic attraction, ligand exchange, and deposition dominated the phosphate adsorption onto biochar–iron oxides. The maximum adsorption capacity of phosphate followed the order of BC-G > BC-F > BC-H > BC-M. The isotherm data of BC-M and BC-H were well fitted by the Langmuir and Freundlich models, while those of BC-G and BC-F followed the Langmuir model. In addition, BC-M, BC-F, BC-G, and BC-H owned excellent regeneration ability and adsorption performance in practical (simulated) wastewater environment. Then the biochar–iron oxides exerted extensive and satisfactory prospect in wastewater remediation and recycling application in soil.
祝贺李静同学的论文被Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering接收
2020年2月12日,李静同学的论文“Crosslinking acrylamide with EDTA-intercalated layered double hydroxide for enhanced recovery of Cr(VI) and Congo red: Adsorptive and mechanistic study”被Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering期刊接收,影响因子3.883。
祝贺张雪同学的论文被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science接收
2019年12月6日,张雪同学的论文“Adsorption of heavy metals by L-cysteine intercalated layered double hydroxide: Kinetic, isothermal and mechanistic studies”被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science期刊接收,影响因子6.361。
祝贺杨艳亭同学的论文被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science接收
2019年11月19日,杨艳亭同学的论文“Adsorption and photocatalytic reduction of aqueous Cr(VI) by Fe3O4-ZnAl-layered double hydroxide/TiO2 composites”被Journal of Colloid and Interface Science期刊接收,影响因子6.361。
祝贺Stelgen Inkoua同学的论文被Materials Express接收
2019年10月31日,Stelgen Inkoua同学的论文“Facile solvothermal synthesis of Fe3O4/magnetic grapefruit peel for adsorptive removal of Congo red, humic acid and phosphate from aqueous solutions”被Materials Express期刊接收,影响因子1.597。
祝贺侯太磊同学的论文被Chemical Engineering Journal接收
2019年10月30日,侯太磊同学的论文“Adsorption performance and mechanistic study of heavy metals by facile synthesized magnetic layered double oxide/carbon composite from spent adsorbent”被Chemical Engineering Journal期刊接收,影响因子8.355。
祝贺李静同学的文章被New Journal of Chemistry接收
2019年9月16日,李静同学的论文“Insight into adsorption mechanisms of aqueous hexavalent chromium by EDTA intercalated layered double hydroxides: XRD, FTIR, XPS, and zeta potential studies”被New Journal of Chemistry期刊接收,影响因子3.069。
闫良国教授带领硕士研究生参加了本次大会。杨艳亭同学在环境材料与催化分会场做了“磁性LDH-TiO2复合材料高效去除水中高浓度Cr(VI)研究”的报告,李静、张照然、侯太磊在研究生论坛分别做了“EDTA插层LDH吸附六价铬的机理研究”、“生物炭/焙烧水滑石复合材料对水中磷酸盐的去除研究”和“磁性水滑石高效去除水中的氧化石墨烯及其煅烧产物重金属离子的二次吸附”三场报告。部分同学的研究成果在会议上以墙报形式展出,分别是杨艳亭“Synergistic adsorption and photocatalytic reduction of Cr(VI) using Zn-Al-layered double hydroxide and TiO2 composites”、张照然“生物炭/铁氧化物复合材料的制备及去除水中磷酸盐研究”、张雪“L-半胱氨酸插层水滑石对水中重金属的去除研究”、李静“丙烯酰胺改性LDH对六价铬和刚果红的共同吸附和机理研究”、杨艳亭“黑炭物质(BC)对1-萘胺的转化行为的影响研究”。