张昊,济南大学青年英才,材料学院硕士生导师。2024年6月获山东大学材料与化工专业博士学位,师从周传健教授(百千万人才工程第一层次、材料学院院长)。硕士和本科阶段就读于济南大学材料学院复合材料专业,师从关瑞芳教授(材料学院学科带头人、复材组主任)。2024年9月以高层次人才青年英才专项引进至济南大学材料科学与工程学院,加入功能复合材料团队。主要从事光功能复合材料和有机硅高分子材料的基础和应用基础研究。迄今为止已发表SCI论文20余篇,其中以第一作者及通讯作者在ACS Macro Lett.、ACS Materials Lett.、ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.、ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces、J. Colloid Inter. Sci.等期刊发表SCI论文16篇,引用超过400余次,H因子11。目前担任ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces和Talanta 等多个学术期刊审稿人。参与包括国家自然科学基金项目等多项国家级和省部级项目。
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9778-2584
[1] Hao Zhang, Fanghao Wang, Yunqian Ma, Ruifang Guan*, Teng Long*, Xiao Cheng*, Chuanjian Zhou*. One-Step Soaking Approach for the Development of High-Strength, Tough Silicone Hydrogels with Elevated Polysiloxane Content. ACS Macro Lett., 2025, 14, 320–328. (一区,IF:5.2)
[2] Fanghao Wang, Kexin Wang, Duxia Cao, Ruifang Guan*, Hao Zhang*. Gram-Scale Preparation of Long-Wavelength Emitting Fluorescent Tunable Carbon Dots for WLEDs. ACS Materials Lett., 2025, 7, 193. (一区,IF:9.9)
[3] Hao Zhang, Ruifang Guan, Xiao Cheng∗, Chuanjian Zhou∗. Silicone-enhanced polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels with Intrinsic Photoluminescence and High Mechanical Intensity. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2024, 12, 7757. (一区,IF:8.4)
[4] Hao Zhang, Teng Long, Ruifang Guan, Chuanjian Zhou∗, et al. Silicone-enhanced polyvinyl alcohol hydrogels for high performance wearable strain sensors. Mater. & Design, 2023, 229, 111911. (一区,IF:8.4)
[5] Hao Zhang, Duxia Cao, Ruifang Guan∗, Chuanjian Zhou∗, et al. Bioinspired fluorescent molecules realize super bright blue luminescence under sunlight. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2023, 632, 161. (一区,IF:9.9)
[6] Hao Zhang, Duxia Cao, Ruifang Guan∗, Chuanjian Zhou∗, et al. Amide salt pyrolysis fabrication of graphene nanosheets with multi-excitation single color emission. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2022, 627, 671. (一区,IF:9.9)
[7] Hao Zhang, Xuezhe Dong, Jiahui Wang, Ruifang Guan*, Duxia Cao*, and Qifeng Chen*. Fluorescence Emission of Polyethylenimine-Derived Polymer Dots and Its Application to Detect Copper and Hypochlorite Ions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 32489(一区 IF: 9.5)
[8] Hao Zhang, Duxia Cao, Ruifang Guan∗, et al. Synthesis of novel organic-inorganic hybrid fluorescent microspheres and their applications as Fe(III), Hg(II) and biothiols probes. Talanta 2019,195, 713(一区 IF: 6.1)
[9] Hao Zhang, Xiao Cheng, Ruifang Guan. Constructing unconventional fluorescent molecules by imidazoline ring and its salt of carboxylic acid and their application. J. Mol. Liq., 2022, 354, 118878. (二区,IF:6.0)
[10] Hao Zhang, Yunqian Ma, Duxia Cao, Kaiming Wang, Ruifang Guan*, Chuanjian Zhou. Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 2021, 254, 119604. (二区,IF:4.4)
[11] Hao Zhang, Duxia Cao, Ruifang Guan∗, Chuanjian Zhou∗, et al. Application of graphene quantum dots in the detection of Hg2+ and ClO− and analysis of detection mechanism. Diam. Relat. Mater., 2021, 117, 108454. (二区,IF:4.1)
[12] Hao Zhang, Duxia Cao, Ruifang Guan∗, et al. Highly luminescent carbon dots as temperature sensors and “off-on” sensing of Hg2+ and biothiols. Dyes and Pigments 2020,173,107950 (二区 IF: 4.5)
[13] Hao Zhang, Duxia Cao, Ruifang Guan∗, et al. Non-conjugated organosilicone fluorescent nanoparticles for latent fingerprint detection. J. Lumin. 2019, 215, 116582 (二区 IF: 3.6)
[14] Hao Zhang, Yunqian Ma, Duxia Cao, Ruifang Guan∗, Chuanjian Zhou∗, et al. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer fluorescent polymer dots without conventional chromophores: Synthesis, emission mechanism and applications as Cu2+ probe and fluorescent ink. Chem. Eng. J. Advances, 2020, 4, 100046. (二区 IF: 5.5)
[15] Kexin Wang, Hao Zhang∗, Ruifang Guan∗, et al. Double emission fluorescence probes based on unconventional fluorescent molecules and fluorescein isothiocyanate for ClO− and Cu2+ detection. Chinese J. Anal. Chem., 2022, 50, 47. (四区,IF:1.2)
[16] Jing Zhu, Songfang Zhao, Ruifang Guan*, Hao Zhang*. Full-spectrum luminescence of nitrogen-sulfur co-doped carbon dots and their applications in LED lighting and organelle-lysosome labeling. Dyes and Pigments, 2025, 237, 112686. (三区,IF:4.1)
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2013.9 -- 2017.6
2017.9 -- 2020.6
2020.9 -- 2024.6