(编者)石墨烯,氮化硼,过渡金属二硫化物等二维材料相继走入科研人员的视野。而氧化锌,作为传统的薄膜,以及纳米线等形貌广为大家熟知,而二维化类似石墨烯的氧化锌,大家听说过吗? 这篇综述,带大家领略二维氧化锌的魅力。 (中文摘要) 单层石墨(今天通常叫做石墨烯)的分离,不仅体现了其新颖的物理化学特性,也为其他二维材料的出现铺平了道路。除了石墨烯,六方氮化硼,过渡金属二硫化物,硅烯,锗烯等相继映入人们的眼帘。由于其自身的维度限制效应以及可调控的电子带隙结构,所有已知的二维材料都表现出来优异的物理光电特性。而最近发现的二维家族新成员,类似石墨烯的氧化锌也表现出了其作为未来功能材料的巨大潜力。本综述总结现阶段二维氧化锌的合成和表征上的进展,也描述了本征二维氧化锌以及修饰二维石墨烯(纳米带,掺杂氧化锌等等)的特性,以及讨论了二维氧化锌的应用前景。 (一瞥 二维氧化锌的高分辨透射电镜照片) ![]() 下载地址: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eR8hK10 祝广大科学家,虫友中秋节快乐。 Graphene-Like ZnO: A Mini Review Crystals 2016, 6, 100; IF: 2.1 doi:10.3390/cryst6080100 Huy Q. Ta 1,2, Liang Zhao 1, Darius Pohl 3, Jinbo Pang 3, Barbara Trzebicka 2, Bernd Rellinghaus 3, Didier Pribat 4, Thomas Gemming 3, Zhongfan Liu 1,5, Alicja Bachmatiuk 2,3 and Mark H. Rümmeli 1,2,3,* Abstract: The isolation of a single layer of graphite, known today as graphene, not only demonstrated amazing new properties but also paved the way for a new class of materials often referred to as two-dimensional (2D) materials. Beyond graphene, other 2D materials include h-BN, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), silicene, and germanene, to name a few. All tend to have exciting physical and chemical properties which appear due to dimensionality effects and modulation of their band structure. A more recent member of the 2D family is graphene-like zinc oxide (g-ZnO) which also holds great promise as a future functional material. This review examines current progress in the synthesis and characterization of g-ZnO. In addition, an overview of works dealing with the properties of g-ZnO both in its pristine form and modified forms (e.g., nano-ribbon, doped material, etc.) is presented. Finally, discussions/studies on the potential applications of g-ZnO are reviewed and discussed. Keywords: ZnO; graphene-like ZnO; in situ TEM; growth; properties; applications http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4352/6/8/100/htm |